Student charter
The Student Charter embodies the key principles underpinning the partnership between students and the University.
The Student Charter embodies the key principles underpinning the partnership between students and the University community, which includes staff, students, alumni, visitors and guests of the University.
The Student Charter reflects the values of the University of Melbourne. It sets out what students are responsible for and what they are entitled to expect. We are a scholarly community committed to the common enterprise of learning in an environment that respects diversity in all its forms, and to the principles of justice, equity and the pursuit of excellence.
The Student Charter was developed in consultation with staff and students. It was first approved in December 2012, then reviewed and updated in November 2013, May 2017, August 2020 and March 2022.
The Charter
All students are responsible for:
- Engaging with the University to formulate their own educational and career goals.
- Making the most of the opportunities available to them as members of the University community.
- Sharing responsibility for their learning by seeking feedback, advice and support.
- Preparing for and actively participating in learning experiences such as discussion and debate.
- Pursuing their academic studies with diligence, honesty and integrity.
- Acting as good ambassadors for the University when engaging with local and global communities.
- Conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the expectations of this Charter, the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy and the Student Conduct Policy.
- Demonstrating respect for the freedoms, rights of others to express political or religious views and understanding that such freedoms and rights may be limited in some circumstances.
- Recognising that rights to freedom of expression come with a shared responsibility to uphold and acknowledge the rights of others.
- Participating in and completing any programs or training designed to promote a diverse and inclusive university environment.
- Demonstrating respect for University resources and the campus environment.
- Complying with the University’s policies and procedures.
All students are entitled to:
- Pursue their educational and career goals in a safe, supportive, inclusive and diverse study environment in which inappropriate behaviour and sexual misconduct in all its forms will not be tolerated.
- Be treated with equity, fairness, respect and consideration by the University and all members of the University community.
- Exercise their individual freedoms within the law and the scope of University policy and direction.
- Bring their whole selves to work and study, and express their cultural and personal identity in any lawful and respectful way they choose.
- Have reasonable access to a learning and teaching environment that meets international best practice in the quality of its courses, its teaching and its physical and academic infrastructure.
- Have reasonable access to appropriate learning resources.
- Have access to reasonable adjustments where required to enable the full participation of students with disabilities
- Receive considered feedback on academic work.
- Have access to a range of advice and support services.
- Have access to clear information about University policies and procedures and a range of other academic and administrative matters.
- Be represented by the relevant University student organisation and have access to the services and facilities provided by these organisations.
- Have concerns and complaints resolved quickly and equitably through a clear set of processes.
To support students and their study, the University will:
- Continually develop and improve its practices and structure to provide an inclusive and diverse study environment;
- Take positive action to prevent sexual misconduct in all its forms, and to take timely and appropriate action in response to reports of sexual misconduct;
- Regularly review its policies, processes, practices, official documentation and publications to accord with equal opportunity and health and safety principles;
- Support and assist staff to exercise their leadership and authority to ensure a supportive, flexible, safe and inclusive study environment; and
- Provide continued advice and support to staff and students through awareness, training and development programs.
Relationship with the University's regulatory framework
This Charter is informed by government legislation and subject to the Vice-Chancellor Regulation, Academic Board Regulation, Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy and Student Conduct Policy. To the extent that the Charter is not consistent with the Academic Board Regulation and Student Conduct Policy, the Vice-Chancellor Regulation, Academic Board Regulation, Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy and Student Conduct Policy take precedence over the Charter.