New Student Precinct Naming Strategy

The New Student Precinct team is currently developing a Naming Framework for titling buildings and spaces in the Precinct.

Grounded firmly in the Precinct’s core values, this framework aims to deliver inclusive, practical, and meaningful place names across the site.

The Framework pays respect to the site’s rich history while keeping an eye to the future. It seeks to move away from acts of memorialisation and towards supporting opportunities for engagement. Chosen names will assist in connecting students, staff and visitors to stories in the history and culture of the site and the University.

Welcoming Ground

Functionality is another key pillar of these guidelines. Wayfinding and descriptive titles will be prioritised to ensure ease of access across the site. Where possible, names will reflect the function of a building to assist in identification of associated services, uses and facilities.

To date the project team have mapped all spaces within the Precinct and identified naming opportunities for new names or the transfer of existing names (e.g. Union House and Murrup Barak). Existing names have been documented in consultation with The University’s Alumni and Advancement team and will be tested against the Project’s naming principles before being proposed for retention, with place naming due to commence in the coming months.