Student card

All enrolled students must hold a University of Melbourne student card.

Your student card is used for identification, building access, using the Library, sitting exams, receiving concession discounts, University transactions and more.

You can order a student card as soon as you complete your course enrolment. You will need to retain your student card for the life of your course.

Order your student card

Order your first student card or replacement student card below.

Your first student card is the first time ordering a student card at the University of Melbourne.

A replacement student card is an expired, lost, damaged, stolen or faulty student card that needs to be replaced. Your card may have expired because you're a recently-graduated student commencing a new course, or your student card expiry date has passed before you have completed your current course.

I need:

My first student card

A replacement student card

Student card troubleshooting

  • If your photo doesn't meet the requirements, you will receive an email confirming your photo hasn't been approved and be prompted to submit another photo. You must meet the following requirements to have your photo approved:

    • Plain white background
    • Head, neck and shoulders in frame (please note that some shoulder must be visible)
    • Eyes should be clearly visible (no sunglasses)
    • Must look straight into camera
    • Colour photo only
    • No hats or head covering (except on religious grounds)
    • Photo must not be digitally enhanced or edited – please note that if digital alteration (including camera filters and digital editing) has been applied to a photo that significantly alters a student's facial structure and/or features your photo will be rejected as it must be a true representation of your appearance.
  • If you are still unable to access CaptureME, please contact Stop 1.

    • Try reducing the image size before you attempt to re-upload your photo
    • Try uploading the image from a file rather than directly from a phone or device.
  • You can upload a certified copy of your passport (or Australian Drivers License for domestic students) in CaptureME.

  • Please check your spam or junk folders for confirmation emails from CaptureME, as we are currently experiencing issues with emails not being received in the main inbox. If you are still unable to locate this email 5 business days after submission, please contact Stop 1.

  • Students who successfully verify their identity online will have their student card sent to them by post. Delivery of your card may take around four to five weeks. If you haven't received your card after this timeframe:

    1. Check my.unimelb to view your 'preferred address'. This is where your student card will be sent.
    2. Check your email for updates about your student card.
    3. If your student card has not arrived after 5 weeks to your preferred address, please contact Stop 1.

Terms & Conditions of Use

Your University of Melbourne Student identity card is your official University of Melbourne identification and must be retained throughout your enrolment at the University. It is used for the purposes of identification, library borrowing, building access, sitting exams, receiving concession discounts, accessing services or amenities from the Graduate Student Association or the University of Melbourne Student Union, University transactions and more.

By taking possession of your Student ID card, you accept these terms and conditions. If the University notifies you of any amendments to these terms and conditions, your continued use of the card after being notified will be considered as acceptance of those terms.

  • When applying for your Student ID Card, you must provide government issued ID for the University to verify your identity and issue your Student ID Card.  Approved government ID for this purpose includes either an Australian driver’s license, Australian Passport or International Passport.

    • Your Student ID card:
      • must be carried at all times whilst on University premises or whilst attending University events.
      • must be presented on demand to University staff or security personnel, including for attending a class, event or accessing services (including MU Sport), using facilities such as University bike hubs, or at any time when on campus or in any part of a building on campus or property owned or managed by the University.
      • must be presented when borrowing books or other items from the University libraries.
      • must be presented when sitting University examinations.
      • can be used to store a dollar value to pay for printing in University libraries. Please note that if the card is damaged, lost or stolen, the value held on it will also be lost.
      • is not transferrable, and you must not allow your Student ID card to be used by another person for any purpose.
    • The card remains the property of the University of Melbourne.
    • Any attempt to fraudulently obtain an ID card, or any instance of improper use, including contravention of these terms and conditions, will be dealt with in accordance with the University of Melbourne statute, regulations, policies and procedures.
    • Your ID card is not valid if mutilated, defaced, or otherwise negligently damaged, and you may be directed to apply for a replacement card, and/or asked to leave the premises if University staff or security personnel are unable to identify you.
    • Damaged, lost or stolen Student ID cards will incur a charge to be replaced. Replacement card fees are published on the Student Card website here.
  • The card has an internal Mifare chip and aerial along with a magnetic strip. It is important to take good care of your Student ID Card and to protect it at all times by adhering to the following requirements.

    Do not:

    • punch holes in the card;
    • bend the card;
    • scratch the magnetic strip;
    • place stickers on the card;
    • copy, alter, tamper with or deface the card; or
    • expose card to extreme heat.

    You remain responsible for your Student ID card and any misuse of the card. This includes any debts incurred such as through use of the card for library borrowing, or access or damage to secure facilities or buildings.

  • If you believe your Student ID card has been lost or stolen, you must immediately notify Campus security on +61 3 8344 4674 who will deactivate your card. If your card has been lost or stolen or you otherwise require a replacement card (e.g. in the event of a name change), please see here.

  • Please note, the functionality of your Student ID card is determined by a current student enrolment at the University. Your Student ID card is valid until 31 March in the year following your course completion.

    Students, including Graduate Research students, who have been approved to take a leave of absence will not be able to use their Student ID cards for the duration of their absence.

    The University of Melbourne reserves the right to suspend your Student ID card or any of the services provided by your Student ID card, if we reasonably believe you have not complied with these terms and conditions.

    On cancellation or expiry of your Student ID card, a refund for any remaining balance may be made via Student Print Support. Further information is available here.

  • The University respects the privacy of anyone who interacts with us and is committed to protecting and managing personal and health information fairly and lawfully.

    The University has obligations regarding the collection, use and management of individuals’ personal and health information under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). For information about the handling of your personal information, please refer to the Student Privacy Collection Statement.

    Additional information about the handling of personal information by the University of Melbourne is also available here.