Enrolling in subjects

Coursework students enrol in subjects by adding them to their Study Plan. You can also swap subjects if you need to make changes.

How to enrol using the Study Plan

Log in and view your Study Plan below, find and add your subjects to the planner, and confirm enrolment by ticking 'Enrol' to the right of each one.

Enrol in subjects in your Study Plan

Adding your subjects/major/stream

  1. Locate the space for the subject/major/stream in your Study Plan and click 'Choose'.
    • From the resulting search screen, you may enter the subject, major, minor or stream code or name.
    • Alternatively, complete a blank search to view a list of all available options.
  2. Add your desired subject, major, minor or stream from your search results.
  3. Your selection should appear in your Study Plan as 'Planned'. You can still change your selection before continuing to enrol.

Enrol in your 'Planned' subjects

  1. Select the study period option from the dropdown menu next to the subject, if applicable.
  2. Tick the 'Enrol' box on the right.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Study Plan and click 'continue to enrol'.

These instructions are for coursework students. If you are a graduate researcher, view how to add or remove coursework subjects. If you are a Study Abroad and Exchange student, you will confirm subjects during the application process at your home university. After arriving, you can amend your enrolment with the instructions above if your home university supports the changes.

Understanding your Study Plan

Your Study Plan is a tree diagram that displays your course according to its requirements and the subject types that fit them.

  • You will have allocations for your core subjects (signified with a capital red 'C') and your optional subjects (signified with a capital blue 'O').

    There are groupings in your Study Plan for major(s), electives, breadths, as well as for minors and specialisations where applicable. These groupings can be expanded to reveal subjects or further groupings.

    There may be sections of your Study Plan where you are required to select a subject, major or stream, and some options may be pre-selected.

    • Planned is the default status, and refers to subjects that you are not yet enrolled in. These are subjects you are either:
      • Required to study (core subjects), or
      • Have chosen and are intending to study (electives, options or selectives).
    • Enrolled refers to subjects you are currently enrolled in (currently studying or will be studying in the next study period).
    • Passed refers to subjects you have successfully completed that now contribute to your course completion.
    • Exempt lines on your study plan refer to credit that you have been granted for prior learning (Advanced Standing). This credit is not specifically related to a subject on your plan, but rather a number of credit points that will contribute to your course completion.
    • Failed refers to a subject you have undertaken but have not passed. Failed subjects do not contribute to your course completion.

    For more information on terminology, see the University glossary.

Watch this short video to learn how to use your Study Plan.

More videos from this series (requires University login):

Making changes to your Study Plan

If you change your mind or your circumstances change and you need to add or remove subjects in your Study Plan, you can do this yourself. Before making any changes, ensure you have read the enrolment requirements and key dates information on this page.

  • Changing subjects is the process of swapping your subject selections. While your subjects are still ‘Planned’ in your Study Plan, the ‘Change’ link will display to enable you to change your selection to another subject within that category.

    If you are enrolled in a subject and wish to swap to another subject, you will need to first follow the instructions to withdraw from the subject you no longer wish to take, before enrolling in the new subject.

  • If you have already enrolled in subjects for the current or upcoming semester, withdrawing from a subject will un-enrol you from it. You may choose to withdraw from a subject if you want to change subjects, reduce your study load or take a leave of absence. If you withdraw from all your subjects before the census date you need to apply for leave or deferral depending on when you started your course to avoid being cancelled from your course.

    How to withdraw from a subject

Enrolment requirements

Before using your Study Plan, it is important to:

  • Understand your course requirements and plan your course to ensure you are meeting the rules for your degree. Failing to meet your course requirements will impact your eligibility to graduate. Ensure you check the rules for your course using the Handbook and see the how to plan your course page if you need help with planning your course or subjects.
  • Understand your enrolment requirements, which includes maintaining an appropriate study load and applying for leave if you intend to take a break. Failing to meet your enrolment requirements may lead to having your course enrolment cancelled.
  • Student visa holders, ensure you meet the requirements of your student visa as failing to do so can impact your course enrolment and visa status.
  • Check your subject key dates as listed below. Making changes after your subject key dates may impact your fees and academic record.
  • If you are in a Commonwealth Supported Place or in an Australian Full-fee paying place and accessing a HELP loan, be aware that the Australian Government’s Student Learning Entitlement requirement may apply.

Key dates

There are four critical dates you must keep in mind to manage your study program. Dates vary between subjects so it’s important to check these dates for each of your subjects in the Handbook:

  • The teaching period indicates when teaching occurs. Aim to be enrolled by the start of the teaching period so you can create your timetable and be ready to attend classes. If you enrol in a subject after teaching has started, promptly catch up on the content already covered.  Many subjects build on the earlier content, and it’s assumed students are across this content.

  • The last self-enrol date is the final date you can enrol in or change subjects via your Study Plan. In limited circumstances you can get assistance to enrol after the self-enrol date and before the census date.

  • The subject census date is the last date you can withdraw from a subject, withdraw from your course, or apply for a leave of absence without remaining liable to pay fees for the subject, and without it appearing on your academic transcript and statements. Enrolment after the census date is not possible, even if you have approval from the subject coordinator.

    If you are in a Commonwealth Supported Place or an Australian Full-fee paying place and accessing a HELP loan, the Australian Government’s Student Learning Entitlement requirement may apply if you are enrolled in a subject past its census date.

    Before this date you need to check your Study Plan to ensure it accurately reflects what you are studying by ensuring:

    • Subjects you are undertaking appear on your Study Plan marked as ‘enrolled’ and not ‘planned’
    • You have withdrawn from any subjects you do not intend to take, and that these no longer show as enrolled on your Study Plan once withdrawn
    • If you have decided to take a break from your studies, you have applied for a leave of absence by your earliest subject census date.
    • If you are a new student and have decided to delay starting your course, you have applied to defer by your earliest subject census date.
  • The last date to withdraw without fail is the final date you can withdraw from a subject without receiving a fail grade on your academic transcript and statements. After this date, it is not possible to formally withdraw from a subject via your Study Plan, and if you stop attending classes and submitting assessments for the subject you will be awarded the grade for the assessment piece(s) already submitted.


Helpful resources to help you solve common enrolment issues:

If you are unable to enrol in a subject or adjust your Study Plan (major, minor or specialisation), you can submit an Enrolment Assistance Form.

Next steps: Creating your timetable

Once you’ve enrolled in your subjects and class timetabling is open, you can select your preferred class times for each study period using MyTimetable. Enrolment changes may take up to 24 hours to appear in MyTimetable. Check timetable dates here.

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