Get career ready

Combine your experience with insights that help you prepare for the next step in your career.

How career-ready are you?

Before you know where you want to go, you need to understand where you are – we call this your career readiness stage. Find out your career readiness stage and what you need to do next to prepare for your transition from study to work.

Find your career readiness stage

How to stand out

It’s easy to make a great first impression when you have the right skills at your disposal. Building your professional network, growing your academic expertise, and clearly articulating your experience can improve your employability.

Applying for work

Ensure your application is professional and polished: learn how to tailor your cover letters, resumes and interview skills for success.

Building career resilience

Developing your career plan and finding your first role can be challenging. Learn how to juggle stress, maintain motivation, and deal with setbacks by staying resilient.

Learn more