Fees and payments
Learn about the types of student fees which may apply to you and how to make a payment.
Understanding your fees
Find out what fees you're required to pay and how they're calculated.
Paying your fees
Information about how to review your fee balance, check due dates and make a payment.
Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
Understand the annual fee you pay to the University and its impact on your student community.
Eligibility for Commonwealth Supported Places and HELP loans
If you are in a Commonwealth Supported Place or in an Australian Full-Fee place and accessing a HELP loan, there are Australian Government eligibility criteria that you must meet to maintain this support. There are also limits to how much Commonwealth Supported study you can undertake.
Fee remission in special circumstances
You can apply for a remission of fees and/or reversal of HELP debt if you were unable to complete a subject’s requirements due to special circumstances.