Academic English Tutorials for graduate coursework students
This is a free, not for credit program available to graduate coursework students wanting to develop their English language skills.
The Academic English Tutorial (AET) program is free and is offered during your first or second semester at university.
The tutorials are designed to help you to develop and apply the academic and English language skills you need to participate in class and succeed in your assessment tasks at the University of Melbourne.
This is an opportunity for you to learn these vital skills in a supportive environment alongside other students from related disciplines.
Hear from previous participants of the program about their experience and what they did to improve their academic and English language skills.
Tutorial topics
The program develops a range of vital skills for graduate coursework students, including:
- Participating in tutorials
- Australian academic culture and expectations
- Managing time
- Oral presentations
- Critical reading and note taking
- Academic writing and referencing
How do I apply?
The Academic English Tutorials will be held as a 3-day intensive program in February, and a 9-week semester-long program during Semester 1, 2025.
The program is free with no additional assessments or homework.
Spaces are limited. You must apply and be selected to participate in the program.
In-semester program
The 9-week in semester tutorial program runs one session per week from week 2 to week 10 (with a week off during non-teaching week).
The weekly tutorials are designed to build on your skills and capabilities across the semester. Students who apply and are accepted must attend at least 7 of the 9 sessions.
Each tutorial runs for 90 minutes.
Applications are now open for Semester 1, 2025.
Complete the application form by Tuesday 4th March to be considered for the program.
Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed. Successful applicants will be contacted by Friday 7th March to confirm their place on the program.
Note: In Semester 1, 2025, tutorials will be delivered in person at the Parkville Campus or online via Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link for your class once you’re accepted into the program if you have registered for an online class. You will receive the room number once you're accepted into the program if you have registered for an in-person class.
Apply here if you are a graduate coursework student (not from the Melbourne Law School):
Apply for the Semester 1 program
Please note: When completing the application form, multiple tutorial times and days are available to choose from. Please indicate which days and times you are willing to attend and you will be considered for a place in one of these tutorial classes.
Academic English Tutorials for Law
Graduate coursework students from the Melbourne Law School can participate in a law-specific 9-week in semester tutorial program running week 2 to week 10 or a three day intensive program.
Applications are now open for Semester 1, 2025.
Complete the application form by Thursday 6th March to be considered for the program.
Apply here if you are a graduate coursework student from the Melbourne Law School:
Apply for the Academic English Tutorials for Law
Intensive program
The Academic English Tutorial Intensive is running on campus 10am-3.30pm across three days Monday 17 February - Wednesday 19 February 2025.
Intensive applications for February 2025 have now closed.

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