Unique Student Identifier (USI)

What is the USI?

A USI is a government-issued reference code which uniquely identifies you as someone who has undertaken education or training in Australia. Your USI stays with you for life, and gives you access to an online record of your nationally recognised training in the form of USI transcript.

For more information, see the USI website.

Creating your USI

If you are in Australia, or are an Australian citizen

Step 1: Create your USI

You can create your USI on the Australian Government website below. You will need at least one valid form of identification.
Create your USI

Step 2: Share your USI details with the University

Once you have your USI, you need to share it with the University of Melbourne so it’s recorded on your student account.
Share your USI with the University of Melbourne

When creating your USI:

  • Use the exact same personal details that you provided to the University, avoiding any discrepancies.
  • Use your legal name as it appears on your passport or other identification.
  • Remember you only need one USI. If you may have a USI from previous study, you can search the USI website to find out and provide it to the University.

If you are outside Australia and not an Australian citizen

Your USI may be affected by certain criteria below.

  • If you are currently offshore, but will be coming to Australia to study

    International students must land in Australia and go through customs before they can create a USI. You must wait until you have arrived in Australia to create and provide your USI.

  • If you are currently offshore, but studied some of your degree in Australia

    You are automatically exempt from providing a USI if you meet all of the criteria below:

    • You studied with an Australian education or training provider in Australia
    • You did not access Commonwealth financial assistance for your studies
    • You commenced your studies before 1 January 2023
    • You partially or fully completed your studies onshore but are currently offshore and will not return to Australia.

    If you plan to return to Australia before you complete your degree, you must create a USI and provide it to the University at that time.

  • If you are currently offshore, and studied all of your degree offshore

    If you commenced your course in 2022 or earlier, you are automatically exempt from providing a USI if you completed all of your studies offshore.

    If you commenced your course in 2023 or later, you must apply for a USI exemption through the Student Identifiers Registrar if you are completing all of your studies offshore.

  • Advice for Australian permanent residents and New Zealand citizens

    Under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA Act) commencing permanent visa holders and New Zealand citizens must be onshore in Australia to be eligible for a Commonwealth Support Place (CSP) or HECS-HELP. For more information, please visit the Australian Government's CSP page.

    You will require a USI in order to take up your CSP. You must arrive in Australia and clear customs before you can create a USI and start your studies. If you cannot arrive in Australia before your course starts, you must apply to defer the commencement of your course.

    If you will arrive in Australia before your first census date but want to enrol from offshore, please submit an enquiry so that we can assist you.

Who needs a USI?

Higher education students must have a valid USI to access a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) and Commonwealth Financial Assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP). This now includes Commonwealth funded students that commenced prior to 2021.

If you do not access a CSP or Commonwealth Financial Assistance, you must provide a USI before you complete your studies to be eligible to graduate. Earlier deadlines may apply to ensure your USI is recorded before you complete your course. This will apply to you if you are an international student, or a domestic full-fee paying student that does not have a -HELP loan.

*Offshore international students who commenced their course in 2022 or earlier and won’t be returning to Australia are automatically exempt from needing to provide a USI.

When do I need to provide my USI?

If you are a new student commencing your course in 2022 or later, you will be prompted to provide your USI as part of your initial course enrolment.

If you commenced your course before 2022, The University will contact you via email when it is time for you to supply your USI, however you can opt to provide yours sooner.

What happens if I don’t provide a USI?

It’s important to provide your USI by the deadline indicated as it is an Australian government requirement and there can be serious consequences if you do not supply your USI, including:

  • New students including domestic graduate researchers – you will be unable to enrol to commence your course
  • Domestic coursework students receiving Australian Commonwealth funding – your enrolment will be cancelled after your earliest subject census date
  • All students and graduate researchers completing their course from 1 January 2023 – you will be ineligible to graduate until you provide your USI
  • Graduate researchers – you may not be able to submit your thesis for examination.

Need help with your USI?

Submit an online enquiry for further assistance.

Submit an enquiry