Academic Advising

Connect with an academic. Share your goals, talk through ideas, ask questions, receive guidance and get the most out of your time at uni.

Book, reschedule or cancel your meeting

What is Academic Advising?

Academic Advising helps you to connect with a supportive mentor through one-on-one meetings.

Simply put – it’s a conversation. It’s not a formal discussion – you won’t be tested or graded. There are no right or wrong answers, it’s all about providing you with practical strategies to support your learning and success.

A connection you can only get at UniMelb.

Having opportunities to connect with an academic is an important part of your learning and growth as a University of Melbourne student. Your mentor will be an academic staff member from your faculty or degree, such as a lecturer or professor with experience in teaching and undertaking world-class research in their field.

As you progress through your degree, your academic mentor will become a familiar face on campus – someone you can turn to for advice and reassurance about your studies and everything else that lies ahead.

What it is

A 30-minute meeting with an academic where you can:

  • Reflect on your university experiences
  • Discuss your learning and career goals
  • Talk through ideas and opportunities that can help you grow and reach your goals
  • Explore new ways of thinking and get a different point of view

What it isn't

  • An academic progress check
  • A counselling and psychological service
  • A wellbeing service
  • A career and employability consultation
  • Course/Subject advice

How it works

You and your academic will meet four times throughout your undergraduate degree. Your first meeting will take place in your second semester and continue once per semester. Meetings are 30 minutes and can be held on campus or online.

Book your meeting

You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to book your meeting, so keep an eye on your inbox.

Book, reschedule or cancel your meeting

Second semester

Come prepared to share a bit about yourself – talk about your interests, what you want to get out of uni and how you plan to achieve your goals.

Third semester

Discuss the last 12 months and where you want to be in the next year.

Fourth semester

Unpack any challenges you’ve experienced and potentially explore new pathway ideas.

Fifth semester

Reflect on everything you’ve achieved so far and discuss what you want to get out of your time left at uni – and beyond!

How to prepare

We’ve come up with some questions and conversation starters to help you prepare but feel free to come up with your own.

Your mentor might ask:

  • How's your semester going?
  • What are your passions and interests?
  • Have you joined any student clubs or societies?
  • Do you have any specific goals this semester?
  • How do you go about achieving these goals?
  • How are you feeling about uni life overall? Are you where you want to be?

You might want to ask:

  • I'm finding my study _______ (enjoyable / challenging / inspiring).
  • My interests are _______. How can I incorporate this into my studies?
  • I've been thinking about what's next, but I'm not sure if I should do _______ or _______.
  • I'm not sure if I should do an internship / placement, do you have any insights?

What students are saying

"My academic advising sessions really helped with guidance and insights into the industry. My mentor and I had discussions about my future career after graduation and he was able to provide me with some connections in the industry." 
- Ariel, Bachelor of Commerce student

"We talked about my future career paths. My mentor gave me a lot of suggestions about my resume and job interview tips. It's very beneficial".
-  Shan Ye Liew, Bachelor of Design

"It was a fantastic experience because I just got to know someone within the University who could help me with questions or direct me to places."
- Grace, Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Frequently asked questions

  • How will I know who my academic mentor is?

    You will receive an email that introduces your mentor. You can also find out more about them through the Find an Expert page, accessible through the Academic Advising page in my.unimelb.

  • How will I know when to meet with my academic mentor?

    At the start of each semester in the program, you will receive an email inviting you to select your preferred time to meet with your mentor. You will receive a confirmation email with your meeting details and they will also be available on the  Academic Advising page in my.unimelb and in your MyDay section of the portal.

  • What if I am running late to my meeting?

    Let your mentor know via email. You can find their email address in your booking confirmation email.  

    If you know in advance that you will be unable to attend a scheduled meeting, please reschedule or cancel via the Academic Advising page in my.unimelb.

  • How long will I have my academic mentor for?

    You will meet with your academic mentor once a semester from your second semester until your fifth semester. In some specific circumstances, your academic mentor may change during your degree.

  • Can I stay in touch with my academic mentor after the program finishes?

    If you wish to maintain the connection with your mentor beyond the program, you are more than welcome to! Some students continue to catch-up with their mentor in person, while some prefer to check-in a few times a year over email. We recommend you discuss how you wish to keep in touch directly with your mentor during or after your final meeting in your third year.

  • Why is my mentor taking notes during the meeting? Are meetings confidential?

    Mentors may choose to take brief notes about your meetings to help them keep track of key topics discussed. Your meetings are confidential and are designed to support your growth and development. They are a safe space for you to discuss your goals and challenges. There may be some cases when a mentor needs to disclose information to help you receive the best support you need.