Parking permits

Information about disability and after-hours parking permits for eligible students.

Public parking

If you need to drive to Parkville Campus, there are plenty of parking locations - although we recommend using public transportcycling, walking or other forms of sustainable transport if you can.

Public parking is available at three locations within the Parkville campus with no permits required.

Find out more about public parking

After-hours parking permits

If you are currently enrolled at the University, you may be eligible for a student after-hours parking permit. This permit allows you to park in the Eastern Precinct car park after hours without purchasing a ticket.

The permit is valid:

  • From 5.00pm to 12.00am Monday to Friday, as well as all day on weekends and University public holidays
  • For 12 months from the date of application.

A non-refundable administration fee of $25.00 is required for each permit, which is payable by credit card or EFTPOS.

Apply for an after-hours parking permit (student login only)

Disability parking permits

Apply for a disability parking permit (student login only)

Types of disability parking permits

Category-one permits

If you are a category-one permit holder, you may park in a parking bay reserved for people with disabilities for the time specified on the sign only. You must not park continuously for longer than this time.

You are not required to pay the annual cost of a parking permit if you are:

  • Currently enrolled at the University
  • Hold a category-one disability permit issued by a local council.

Permits are valid for 12 months from the time of application or until the category-one disability permit is expired (whichever date comes first).

You will need to re-apply each year before the permit expiry date. You will also need to produce a copy of a current category-one permit and a new written letter of authorisation from the Financial Aid team.

Category-two permits

If you are a category-two permit holder, you may park in any regular parking bay for double the amount of time shown.

If the parking is a paid parking area, you are required to pay the initial parking fee. For example, in a four hour ticketed parking area, you may park for eight hours, provided that you have paid for the first four.

A category-two permit does not allow you to park in bays designated for people with disabilities.

Temporary disability permits

The Transport and Parking office can issue temporary disability permits.

To receive a temporary disability permit, you must supply a letter of support from your medical practitioner. A University temporary disability permit does not exempt you from parking fees.

Council permit holders

If you are currently enrolled at the University and hold a category-one disability permit issued by a local council, you may be entitled to free parking.