Preventing Sexual Misconduct

Preventing Sexual Misconduct is an eLearning module, which provides practical information about:

  • Understanding sexual misconduct
  • Contributing to a safe and respectful campus
  • Getting support or making a complaint.
Preventing Sexual Assault

Accessing Preventing Sexual Misconduct

All commencing coursework students are automatically enrolled into the Preventing Sexual Misconduct module in the Learning Management System (LMS).

All commencing graduate researchers are automatically enrolled via TrainMe.

Preventing Sexual Misconduct takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. You will need to:

  • Use a desktop or laptop
  • Disable pop-up blockers for this site
  • Log in using your active student account.

Accessing Preventing Sexual Misconduct

Coursework students

Open module on LMS

Graduate researchers

Open module on TrainMe

Who needs to complete Preventing Sexual Misconduct?

Preventing Sexual Misconduct is mandatory for:

  • All commencing undergraduate and graduate coursework students
  • All commencing graduate researchers.

As part of joining the University, you need to complete the Preventing Sexual Misconduct eLearning module and submit your answers to the quizzes.

You will need to score 100% on each quiz to complete, but you can review the content and make as many attempts as you need.

Exemptions are available under certain circumstances.

Completion dates for coursework students

If you commenced university in Semester 2, 2024, you must complete the Preventing Sexual Misconduct module by Monday 18 November 2024.

If you do not complete the module or have not been granted an exemption by the required completion date, you will not be able to view your end of semester subject results in my.unimelb. Once you have completed the module or have been granted an exemption, you will be able to view your results within three business days.

Completion dates for graduate researchers

Graduate researchers who commence after 1 January 2025 must complete the module within 6 months (EFTSL) of candidature. If you do not complete the module or an exemption by the required due date, your candidature status will be updated to 'at risk'.

If you commenced prior to 1 January 2025, please complete this training as soon as possible.

Frequently asked questions

  • For coursework students:

    You can follow these instructions to access Preventing Sexual Misconduct:

    • Log in to the LMS with your student login details
    • Under the left-side menu, select Subjects
    • Select Preventing Sexual Misconduct under Published subjects.

    For graduate researchers:

    You can follow these instructions to access Preventing Sexual Misconduct:

    • Log in to TrainMe with your student login details
    • Search ‘Preventing Sexual Misconduct’
    • Select Preventing Sexual Misconduct under Courses.
  • You can submit an enquiry to request enrolment into the Preventing Sexual Misconduct module. The LMS student support team will manually enrol you into Preventing Sexual Misconduct.

    Please note, if you have submitted an exemption, you will be automatically un-enrolled from the Preventing Sexual Misconduct module and you won’t be able to see it in your LMS.  If you need to be re-enrolled into the module, you may also Submit an enquiry to request re-enrolment. The LMS student support team will manually enrol you into Preventing Sexual Misconduct.

  • You will not be able to access your end of semester subject results. Once you have completed the module or have been granted an exemption, you will be able to view your results within three business days.

  • Exemptions are available if you find the subject matter distressing, and completing the module would be detrimental to your wellbeing.

    Please note that if you chose to submit an exemption, this includes a declaration that the provision of false information may constitute general misconduct in accordance with 4.2 of the Student Conduct Policy and under the Vice Chancellor Regulation.

  • The University has a commitment to preventing sexual misconduct in our community. The Preventing Sexual Misconduct module is mandatory for students as part of the Respect Action Plan 2023-24. Changing the attitudes and behaviours that underpin misconduct is not an easy task, but completing training is one contribution that we can each make towards a safe and respectful campus culture.

  • In the LMS, select Dashboard from the main left menu and select View grades. If you have a 100% grade next to Preventing Sexual Misconduct, this indicates you have completed it. If you have a grade below 100%, you haven't completed the module. Please redo the quizzes until you score 100% on all quizzes. You can make as many attempts for the quizzes as you need.

    In the TrainMe, select My Learning from the main left menu and your Status should read as ‘Complete’.

  • No, you need to score 100% on each quiz to complete the module, but you can review the content and make as many attempts as you need.

  • No, you need to score 100% on each quiz and see the module marked as "completed". You can make as many attempts for the quizzes as you need.

  • No, you need to score 100% on each quiz to complete the module. You can make as many attempts for the quizzes as you need.

  • You can re-enrol in the module by searching for “Preventing Sexual Misconduct” in the TrainMe course catalogue and select Enrol.