Step 8: Finalise your enrolment with your faculty

Once you’ve completed your administrative enrolment online, follow the information in your offer letter to assist your faculty to finalise the enrolment process.

Your offer letter has all the information you need to commence your research degree.

Once you have followed the instructions in your offer letter, in most cases you will need to contact a graduate research administrator at your graduate school, who will:

  1. Confirm your commencement date (the date you will begin your study at the University as agreed with your supervisors)
  2. Finalise your enrolment in your course (your degree or program of study, such as the Doctor of Philosophy or Masters by Research)
  3. Enrol you in any required coursework subjects
  4. Provide you with information about induction and orientation.

Contact your graduate research administrator

My faculty has finalised my enrolment. What's next?

Step 9: Order your student card