Late re-enrolment fee

Re-enrolling after the re-enrolment period has ended can result in late fees and sanctions on your record.

What is a late re-enrolment fee?

If you re-enrol after the timely re-enrolment period has ended, you will incur a late fee of $130.

If you are late to re-enrol:

  • A sanction will appear on your record, and
  • A fee will appear on your student invoice.

How do I pay the late re-enrolment fee?

Instructions for payment methods are listed on your Statement of Liability. To see your Statement of Liability, visit the fee Information page in my.unimelb.

If you have overdue fees owing to the University you will be prevented from enrolling, graduating, and accessing results. This will be indicated by a sanction in my.unimelb.

If you have difficulty paying the late re-enrolment fee, you may wish to discuss your situation with Financial Aid. Once you are enrolled in subjects, interest free student loans are available. Please see the Financial Aid website for details.

Can I get the late re-enrolment fee waived?

You can apply to have your late fee waived if you were unable to re-enrol during the re-enrolment period due to significant exceptional circumstances outside of your control.

  • The late re-enrolment fee will only be waived if you can demonstrate with supporting documentation that either:

    1. Compassionate or compelling circumstances prevented you from completing your enrolment or contacting the University about your enrolment during the re-enrolment period, or
    2. You contacted the University about your enrolment during the re-enrolment period.

    Applications to have the late re-enrolment fee waived will not be approved for the following reasons:

    • Work, family or other commitments.
    • Missing or unfinalised subject results. You do not need to wait for your results to be finalised to complete your enrolment, as you can swap subjects later.
    • Difficulties enrolling. You must be proactive about promptly seeking assistance (from online University resources and relevant student services) if you encounter difficulties with enrolment.
    • Assuming you have enrolled. You are responsible for checking your enrolment is complete, by ensuring that all subjects you plan to take are marked as 'enrolled' and not just 'planned' on your study plan.
    • Not accessing University emails. You are required to access your University email account at least twice per week, including during periods of leave or University breaks. If you are planning to visit a region where Gmail isn't accessible, find out how to access your student email.
  • 1. Check to see if you're eligible for the fee to be waived.
    2. Gather supporting documentation to explain your circumstances for not re-enrolling on time.
    3. Apply to have the late re-enrolment fee waived.

    An outcome will be sent to your University email account.

  • The deadline to apply for a waiver of the late re-enrolment fee is 30 April 2025.