Exam timetable

Access the exam timetable

You will be able to view your individual exam timetable via the my.unimelb homepage once the timetable has been made available. Check the release date on the exam dates page.

View my exam timetable

Your timetable will include your:

  • Exam date
  • Start and end time
  • Duration of reading time (if applicable)
  • Exam format
  • Exam venue
  • Seat number
  • Alternative Exam Arrangements (if applicable).

If you are enrolled in any on-campus subjects, you must be in Melbourne for the entire exams period. You must sit your exams in the format they are offered.

Departmental (faculty managed) exams

Some exams will be coordinated by your faculty and will not appear on your exam timetable. If you have any faculty-managed exams, you will be notified  by your Subject Coordinator.

Check if your subject has further assessment tasks such as take-home, practical, oral or performance exams, via your LMS subject site or ask your Subject Coordinator.

If you were expecting to see an exam in your timetable but it isn’t there, please refer to your LMS subject site or ask your Subject Coordinator.

Clash exams

If you have a clash between two centrally managed exams, arrangements will be made for you to sit these exams on the same day, with one exam following the other (and a break in between). You will sit these clash exams at a separate venue to the rest of your cohort.

You can view your clash exam details on your exam timetable.

In between clash exams:

  • You will not be permitted to leave the clash exam venue or access your phone, laptop or any other electronic devices
  • You can bring hard copy study material to revise for your exams, but no electronic
  • You will be sitting in the exam clash venue for some time, so please bring snacks and a drink bottle


  • What if I have a clash between my Faculty exam and my central exam?

    If your central exam clashes with a faculty-managed exam, test or intensive, you should contact your Subject Coordinator and/or department so that they can make alternative arrangements for you. You are expected to complete all of your centrally managed exams at their scheduled time.

  • I have three exams in one day, what do I do?

    Students can sit no more than two exams in one day. If a Faculty-managed exam is one of your three exams in one day, contact your Subject Coordinator and/or department so that they can make alternative arrangements for that exam. You are expected to complete all of your centrally managed exams at their scheduled time.

  • My timetable is not displaying after the release date, what do I do?
    • To ensure you have all of the information and details that you need to plan your exam schedule carefully, please refer to the my.unimelb homepage for your full individual exam timetable.
    • If you still can't see your timetable, submit an enquiry to Stop 1.
  • Can I choose how I sit my exam?

    No. The exam choice made by the subject coordinator applies to all students sitting the subject.

  • Can I return home during the exams period?

    No.  All students with on-campus subjects are expected to be in Melbourne for the duration of the exam period.