Semester and year-long programs

Gain an international perspective and experience a different academic system by studying overseas for one or two semesters.

Exchange programs

By participating in an exchange program you can study at a partner institution while continuing to pay your fees to the University of Melbourne through your current arrangement.

You can choose to undertake a semester exchange or a year-long exchange, both of which can be life-changing experiences.

Through the exchange program you can:

  • Choose from more than 200 exchange partners in destinations all over the world
  • Pay tuition fees to the University of Melbourne under your existing payment arrangement (including HELP), rather than the host institution
  • Receive administrative support through the entire process from one of our Education Abroad Advisers
  • Have access to a range of university scholarships and funding options.

Explore our exchange partners

Universitas 21 (U21) exchange programs

Universitas 21 (U21) is a partnership network comprising of 25 prestigious institutions in Australia and around the world. University of Melbourne students applying for Exchange to a U21 institution are given preference for acceptance and housing at their host institution.

Non-partner Overseas Study

If you are interested in studying at another institution for credit towards your University of Melbourne degree that is not one of our partners, you should submit an enquiry to Global Learning. Before submitting an enquiry research our exchange partner programs to see if there are suitable study opportunities available with our partners. Studying at a non-partner institution will generally not be approved if it is possible for you to complete a study opportunity with one of our partners. For non-partner overseas study you will be required to pay all fees, including tuition, directly to the host institution.

The process

Whether you are participating in an exchange or non-partner program, you'll need to complete the following steps. The process is similar for both types of study, although if you're planning to undertake a non-partner  program you'll need to apply to your host institution yourself.

1. Plan your overseas study

Plan how your overseas study will fit into your degree.

2. Complete your application

Formally apply for overseas study through the University before the application close date.

3. University of Melbourne approval

Understand our approval process and how to get nominated to your host institution.

4. Submit your overseas study plan

Get approval for the subjects you wish to take at your host institution.

5. Apply to your host institution

Apply to your host institution and keep your spot at the University of Melbourne while you're away.

6. Get ready

Complete a checklist of must-do activities to complete before setting off on your overseas study program.

7. When you arrive

Complete a number of important admin tasks once you have arrived at your host institution.

8. While overseas

Ensure you re-enrol at the University of Melbourne for the semester you plan on returning, and keep in touch.

9. Complete the final steps

Welcome home! Transfer your credit points, settle back in and share your stories.

Ready to start your application?

Visit our full step-by-step guide

Application dates and timelines


You will need to start planning for your exchange approximately 12 months prior to when you would like your experience to commence.

Application deadlines for exchange:
Semester 1:
July of the year prior
Semester 2: November of the year prior

Application deadlines

Applications for Semester 1 2026 Exchange:

  • Open on Monday 17 March 2025
  • Close on Monday 30 June 2025 at 12pm.