Updating your contact details
The University of Melbourne needs to have your most up-to-date contact details so you receive important University notifications. When you’re entering your contact information, such as your overseas permanent address, you must only use English characters.
Mailing address
You're required to list two addresses, which may be the same:
- Contact address: your address during the University teaching and exam periods
- Home address: your permanent address in your country of residence.
You should select make preferred on one of these addresses to nominate where you are currently living, and regularly review this setting. This is where the University will send important mail, such as your student card or testamur.
Email address
You can also update or add an email address if this changes over the course of your degree.
Mobile number
Remember to provide your mobile number, preferably an active Australian number if possible. This allows you to receive critical notifications from the University via SMS.
How do I update my contact details?
To add a new contact detail
- Go to your Contact Details in eStudent
- To register a new contact detail whether it be a new phone, email or address, select 'Add New' and then enter your address details and click Save.
- Go to your Contact Details in eStudent
To edit and/or update existing contact details
- Go to your Contact Details in eStudent
- To edit existing personal details including address, email or phone, select Edit in the table next to the address you want to change. You can then enter your new detail and click Save.
- Next to your updated information, select the Make preferred box to ensure that critical notifications from the University is sent to the best address, phone number or email.
- Your contact details will be verified and updated.
To duplicate existing contact details
If you want to duplicate an existing address to make it your 'Home' or 'Contact' address, you can select Copy next to the address you want to duplicate and then tick the address type you want it to copy to.
Student visa holders
If you are a student visa holder you must also update your contact details with the Department of Home Affairs. Further information is available from the Home Affairs website.
International students under 18
If you are an international student under 18 years old, you will not be able to update your address yourself in my.unimelb.
To update your contact details with the University, you must send an email to int-under18@unimelb.edu.au with the following information:
- Your student number
- Your full name
- Details of the changes required.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What if I get an "Address verification error"?
If the address you entered can’t be verified, an option to ‘Use the unverified address entered instead’ will appear. If you are certain that you have correctly entered your address, select this option and click ‘Save’ to proceed.
What if I have no address saved in my.unimelb?
If you have no address saved as part of your contact details, you will not be able to add an address yourself. Please submit an enquiry to Stop 1 with your address details, and we will update your address for you. You will then be able to make future updates to your details via my.unimelb.