Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Grant Program

SSAF Grant recipients 2024 Running ClubAMSO Concert 2024ASOP 2023 Stall

What is the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Grant Program?

The SSAF Grant Program provides staff and students with an opportunity to directly engage with the SSAF vision by applying for a grant funded by the SSAF. The SSAF Grant Program offers funding for student-focussed initiatives that contribute to meeting the needs of our diverse student population.

Grants will be available for projects across a wide range of areas, including, but not limited to:

  • student clubs and societies;
  • student services;
  • transitioning new students;
  • supporting students' creative pursuits;
  • supporting diverse student cohorts;
  • and student engagement.

Download 2024 SSAF Grants Program Guidelines (PDF 456.0 KB)pd

The University is committed to understanding and meeting the needs of a diverse student population, and ensuring that all have an experience of lasting quality and enrichment. SSAF funds enable a wide range of initiatives, determined in collaboration with students, in support of this commitment.

Successful student applicants can be considered towards a Melbourne Plus capability recognition.


Monday 26 February 2024
9 AM

Applications Opened

Monday 26 February 2024
12 PM (NOON)

Information session was held online, thank you to those who attended.

Monday 4 March 2024

Drop-In (In Person) - Information Session and Grant Support Parkville  - thank you to those who attended.

Wednesday March 2024

Information session was held online, thank you to those who attended.

Sunday 17 March 2024
11.59 PM

Applications Closed

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Progress Report deadline

Thursday 24 October 2024
11.59 PM

Project completion and Acquittal due date.

SSAF Eligibility

For full applicant and project eligibility consult the SSAF Guidelines and full details below.

  • Applications Open Date

    Applications for the 2023 SSAF grant round are closed. The next grant round will be in February 2024.

    Funding Available u to $20,000 maximum may be awarded per project.

    SSAF Grants are one-off funding, with no repeat funding available in subsequent rounds.

  • Eligibility and Guidelines

    The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Grant Program supports projects that address one or more of the areas detailed in the Australian Government's Higher Education Legislation.

    Specifically, SSAF Grant funding must be spent on one or more of the following:

    • Provide food or drink to students on a campus of the higher education provider;
    • Support a sporting or other recreational activity by students;
    • Support the administration of a club most of whose members are students;
    • Care for children of students;
    • Promoting the health or wellbeing of students;
    • Provide legal services to students;
    • Help students secure accommodation;
    • Help students obtain employment or advice on careers;
    • Help students with their financial affairs;
    • Help students obtain insurance against personal accidents;
    • Provide libraries and reading rooms (other than those provided for academic purposes) for students;
    • Support an artistic activity by students;
    • Support the production and dissemination to students of media whose content is provided by students;
    • Help students develop skills for study, by means other than undertaking courses of study in which they are enrolled;
    • Advise on matters arising under the higher education provider’s rules (however described);
    • Advocate for students’ interests in matters arising under the higher education provider’s rules (however described);
    • Give students information to help them in their orientation;
    • Help meet the specific needs of overseas students relating to their welfare, accommodation and employment.

    In the spirit of ensuring that the allocated SSAF funds are reserved to the SSAF Grant Program; funds are allocated to seed funding new student led approaches to the greatest diverse student community. The 2024 SSAF Grant round will no longer be accepting multiple applications from the same entity, nor reviewing project ideas that are too similar in nature to previously awarded SSAF Grants. Please reach out to should you have any questions.

    Download 2024 SSAF Grants Program Guidelines

  • Selection Criteria

    In making its decision, the Selection Committee will consider:

    1. Innovative and feasible Grant Project idea.
    2. The extent to which the project addresses a student need or current service gap.
    3. Demonstration of an ability to engage with the student community.
    4. Alignment with key principles of SSAF, see below:
    • Alignment with University strategy and student experience goals (including the Advancing Melbourne 2030 Plan).
    • Commitment to consultation with student-related groups and engagement of students as partners in decision making.
    • Commitment to addressing equity and diversity goals. Equity and diversity goals can be found in the Advancing Melbourne 2030 Plan.
    • Commitment to the representation of student groups, cohorts and campuses.
  • Reporting Requirements

    If you are successful in your SSAF Grant Program application, the reporting requirements will typically be a two-step process and includes a:

    • Progress Report:
      • A brief SmartyGrants form is sent to Project Leader/Applicant requesting to date expenditure and highlighting of any challenges, during the course of the project (refer to Guidelines). For projects with an expenditure $7000>.
    • Acquittal Report:
      • An in depth SmartyGrants form sent to the Project Leader/Applicant requesting full expenditure, qualitative and quantitative information proportional to the spend of the project. This must be completed at the conclusion of your project (refer to Guidelines).
    • Variation Request Form:
      • An brief SmartyGrants form available to the Project Leader/Applicant to apply for a change of direction or expenditure required if there are major variations to the successfully funded project/activity (refer to Guidelines).
  • Previous Recipients
  • Resources
  • Contact and Accessibility Queries

    For any further clarification, assistance and/or advice on the current SSAF Grant rounds, application support; please contact the Student Engagement Team:

    For any queries relating to projects funded prior to 2020, please contact Chancellery (Academic)

  • Report & Info-graphics