How to enter class preferences
Enter your class preferences so they'll be considered when MyTimetable generates everyone's timetables.
Timetables can change during the preference entry period. You’ll receive an email to your student account if a change is made to a class you have entered a preference for.
1. Enrol in subjects
You need to enrol in subjects before entering class preferences. Allow up to 24 hours after enrolling for subjects to appear in MyTimetable.
2. Enter preferences by class type
- Log into MyTimetable.
- Click on your dashboard on the top left hand side
- Under the heading 'Action required' select Preference
- Click on the first class you need to preference
- Follow the instructions, drag activities form 'Classes' to 'Preferences' in the order you prefer
- Save your preferences when you're done.
- Check the preferences entered by clicking on the summary icon.
Please note:
When there are more than 4 options available, you must select a minumum of 4 preferences. If a class only has one time available, it will not appear in your preference entry list or timetable as there is no action required
3. Check for activity combinations such as workshops and practicals'
2. Click on your dashboard on the top left hand side
3. Under the heading 'Action required' under workflow required, look for the symbol showing an arrow with a fork. When you hover over the symbol it says "part of a workflow"
4. Click on the symbol and the workflow preference summary will pop up. Select "enter new preferences"
This workflow will get you to enter your first preference for all Subjects and Activity groups, then repeat again for second and so forth, for a total of numbers of preferences required
You will be shown a review at the end, you can also redo this process later if you wish to change your preferences.
Things to check when entering preferences
Based on its delivery mode, a subject may have on campus and/or online classes.
Some classes may be recorded (ie available on Lecture Capture). This means you may be able to watch a recording of the class instead of attending in person if attendance is not mandatory. Please check the attendance and participation requirements for your subject in the Handbook.
Classes are subject to change throughout the preference entry period, and new class times and modes of delivery may become available. You can change your preferences until the preference entry deadline.
How to update preferences
You can make changes to your saved preferences anytime during the preference entry period.
- Log into MyTimetable.
- Click on your dashboard on the top left hand side
- Under the heading 'Action required' select Preference
- Click on the class you need to update preferences for
- Follow the instructions, drag activities form 'Classes' to 'Preferences' in the new order you prefer, or drag an existing preference within the timetable to your new preference.
- Save your preferences when you're done.
- Check the preferences entered by clicking on the summary icon.
What if you miss the preference entry period?
You can select your classes without entering preferences once the review period opens.