No available classes to preference

What to do if you're having difficulty entering preferences or finding available classes to preference.

Current MyTimetable period

The timetable preference entry period is now closed. Please review your timetable and make adjustments if required.

If you missed the preference entry period, you can still create your timetable by selecting your classes without entering preferences from the remaining available classes during the Review and Adjust period.

Having trouble selecting classes?

If there is more than one class available, please put yourself on a waitlist for your preferred class. Only submit a TAF under the 'No available classes' category if only one class time is available. The University will ensure you are added to a class.

What to do if there are no classes available to preference

If you have a subject that says ‘No Classes Available’ in MyTimetable, check if the subject:

  1. Is taught without classes. Some subjects that are research or project-based may not have classes.
  2. Some subjects are fully taught online and learning materials are available through LMS for the subject.
  3. Uses another timetabling system (eg the LMS or ASIMUT for Fine Arts and Music).

You can find this information on:

  • The subject entry in the Handbook
  • The subject page in the LMS
  • Your student email for any University communications about your subject
  • The subject's faculty website.

If you still cannot find any information, contact Stop 1.

What to do if you can’t enter your class preferences

If the class has (READ ONLY) or (OFF) next to it:

  1. Check the timetable dates for your study period to see if preference entry is open. If you have missed the preference entry period, you can create your timetable without preferences.
  2. Check if the class only runs at one time. Where there is only one class option available, you will be automatically allocated to it and will not need to enter preferences.

If your enrolled  subject is not appearing in MyTimetable:

  1. If you have just enrolled in a subject, please allow up to 24 hours after enrolling for it to appear in MyTimetable.
  2. If your subject is still not appearing after waiting 24 hours, contact Stop 1.

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