Eligibility for short-term programs
Find out if you're eligible to undertake a Short-term overseas study experience.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible to participate in a Short-term program you must*:
- maintain satisfactory academic progress
- be currently enrolled, and have successfully completed a minimum of one study period and at least 37.5 credit points (undergraduate students) or one study period and at least 12.5 credit points (graduate students) at time of application
- not have an 'at risk' status at the time of application or before commencing the overseas study program
- not have conditions imposed by the Course Academic Progress Committee
- not be subject to an undischarged misconduct penalty, suspended for misconduct, or become suspended any time before commencing the overseas study program.
*Melbourne Law School students are required to satisfy eligibility requirements as outlined by the School including a 65% WAM requirement.
If Semester 1 is the first semester of your degree at the University of Melbourne, it's not possible undertake a short-term program in the following winter break because you will not be able to successfully complete one study period prior to departure. You may be eligible to participate in a summer short-term program (November - February), which are advertised from July.
Acceptance into some Short-term programs may depend on conditions imposed by the host institution, such as:
- a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) or WAM equivalent
- a longer minimum period of prior study.
Study periods
Study periods vary across the academic year and include terms, semesters, year-long and intensive periods of study.
Other requirements
If you fulfil the eligibility criteria above, you will also need to:
- get overseas study plan approval for the subjects you wish to take overseas
- submit your application before the relevant deadline
- adhere to any late start rules of the semester you plan on returning to study at the University of Melbourne (when applicable).
Important information
If you would like to check your academic status before applying for overseas study, contact Stop 1.
If you become 'at risk' in the academic period immediately prior to departure, your participation will be subject to the approval of the Registrar in consultation with the relevant course coordinator. You will be required to meet any expense incurred due to cancellation of eligibility.
Honours students
Honours students must have completed one semester and 12.5 points of coursework study at the University of Melbourne before departing to study overseas. This may consist of study completed as part of your honours course or as part of your undergraduate degree (if completed here).
You must have the support of your honours coordinator and thesis supervisor to participate in a Short-term overseas programduring your honours year. Different faculties may also have different eligibility requirements, so it's a good idea to consult your honours coordinator for more information.
Honours students wanting to undertake a research opportunity overseas should see our Programs for researchers page.
Transferring students
If you have transferred to the University of Melbourne after at least a semester of study at another tertiary institution, and have been granted credit at the University of Melbourne, you will only be required to complete a minimum of 12.5 points and one study period at the University of Melbourne before being eligible to apply for overseas study.
All other undergraduate eligibility requirements also apply.
Late start rules
Some Short-term programs run over our winter break (June-July) and do not finish until the first week of Semester 2. This can mean that you will not be back in time to start classes at the University of Melbourne until Week 2 - otherwise known as a 'late start'.
If this applies to your chosen program, you will need to meet the following requirements in addition to the standard eligibility requirements:
- After your application has been approved, and prior to departure, you must attend a compulsory course planning appointment at Stop 1.
- You must be in Australia and able to attend class no later than the beginning of Week 2.
- You must determine no assessments or hurdle requirements will be missed.
- You must complete all Semester 2 enrolment requirements by the due date.
- Prior to your departure, you must sign a declaration stating that you understand your obligations and responsibilities with regard to special consideration, class attendance, assessment tasks and hurdle requirements for each subject you are enrolled in for your returning semester.