Course planning advice

All coursework students can access dedicated appointments with specialist course advisers. Appointments are virtual or in-person.

Before booking an appointment

My Course Planner. Plan your course using our interactive online planner.

Try our online planner

Use My Course Planner to plan your subjects and majors for your bachelors degree and a range of graduate coursework courses.

Learn more

Check if you can use the Enrolment Assistance Form

Before booking an appointment, check whether you're able to manage your own enrolment online. Many enrolment changes can be made quickly and easily by submitting an Enrolment Assistance Form.

You can submit an Enrolment Assistance Form to:

  • Have a subject prerequisite waived with attached coordinator permission where required
  • Move subjects around on your Study Plan
  • Add, remove or change your major, minor or stream
  • Request to overload.

You can also submit an online request to take a Leave of Absence or reduce your study load.

Get assistance with your class timetable

If you need assistance with your class timetable, please see our class timetable guides.

Book an appointment or submit an enquiry

There is often high demand for course planning and enrolment support appointments during our peak periods of June-August and November-March.

Additional appointments are released daily at 9am and 12pm (AEDT/AEST), so please check back then to book the next available appointment. Alternatively, you can submit an online enquiry or review our online information about how to plan your course.

At-Risk appointments for Second Half Year 2024 will be available from Tuesday 10 December 2024. If you are deemed At Risk, you will receive an email advising when appointments are open and link to the booking service.

We encourage you to review your course plans regularly through your studies and contact our Course Advisers throughout the year. You can either book an appointment or submit an enquiry.

Book an appointmentSubmit an enquiry

When booking an appointment, select one of the following from the 'Booking Type' field:

  • 'Course Planning (In-person)' (for an in-person appointment)
  • 'Course Planning (Virtual)' (for a virtual appointment via Zoom)

For virtual, we strongly recommend you are in a quiet area with access to a computer so that we can talk through your Study Plan and other resources. Our adviser will contact you as close to your appointment time as possible.

If you can't attend, please cancel your appointment

If you can’t attend your appointment, please reschedule or cancel your appointment so other students can use the service.

Preparing for your appointment

To make the most of your appointment, we recommend you prepare by having a list of questions ready for your course adviser and exploring these resources: