Course planning
Tell us about your enquiry and we'll let you know the best way to get help.
Common questions
The last self-enrol date was Friday, 14 March. If you didn’t enrol by the last self-enrol date, you have missed significant subject content and can no longer enrol via your Study Plan. After this date:
- Late enrolment is not recommended, and you must catch up on any missed content
- You can email your subject coordinator (find their details in the Handbook) to seek written approval to enrol late
- If approved, submit an Enrolment Assistance Form (EAF) using the button below and attach the approval email (saved as a PDF) within 72 hours
- Note: Enrolling after the census date is not possible, even with subject coordinator approval
- Note: The Faculty of Business and Economics does not approve enrolment in subjects after Friday of Week 3 (21 March), even with subject coordinator approval.
Need more help?
Get to know your new course rules and options to make the most of your studies:
- Complete the Get Started at Melbourne step-by-step guide to plan your course
- Complete a course plan using My Course Planner
- Enrol in subjects by the enrolment lapse date listed on your course offer letter
- Understand course planning terms and resources as well as your course progression rules.
- Watch a prerecorded Intro to Course Planning webinar:
- Masters by Coursework (password pR5mJKQ!)
- Undergraduate Degrees (password 6iY?iu5!)
- Bachelor of Arts (password %4D@VNGR)
- Bachelor of Science (password !nD=y2m*)
- Bachelor of Commerce (password XA3Z%.0h)
- Bachelor of Biomedicine (password 3u77bTt*)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Music (password u%Vh^u3.)
Register for Orientation
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Please take the following actions if you're unable to enrol in a subject on your Study Plan:
- Confirm you meet the subject requirements by checking the Handbook
- Check there are no sanctions that are impacting your enrolment
- Complete any outstanding tasks on your Study Plan (e.g., Career Census, Highest Level of Completion)
- Still can't enrol? Submit an Enrolment Assistance Form to request manual enrolment into subjects.
- If you have completed a non-VCE pre-requisite for a level 1 subject, submit your high school transcript with your EAF.
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You can regularly review your enrolment to ensure you stay on track to graduate. You can:
- Follow the course structure rules in the Handbook from the year you started your course
- Map all your subjects in My Course Planner (MCP) or use a course map template for graduate courses unavailable in MCP
- Ensure the enrolled subjects in your Study Plan match your course map every semester.
If you’d like a Course Planner to review your course map, you can submit it via the online enquiry form below.
Need more help?
You must apply for advanced standing within your first year of study at Melbourne.
- Find out how to Apply for advanced standing
- If you are waiting for Advanced Standing to be assessed, you can use the Credit calculator to plan your course
- Once you have received an outcome, add your credit to My Course Planner or a Graduate course map template so you can plan your remaining course requirements.
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If you have failed a subject, you may be notified by email and called for a Course Academic Progress Committee (CAPC) meeting if you are no longer in Good Standing.
For more information, you can:
- Refer to the Failing a Subject webpage to understand how it might impact your academic progress and to explore support services.
- For core or pre-requisite subjects, please check the Handbook to confirm when you can repeat them.
- If you’re a Student Visa holder and think you can’t finish your course on time, please book a Course Planning appointment.
Need more help?
Before you apply for overseas study, you need to make sure it will fit into your degree.
- Refer to the step-by-step guides to check your eligibility and understand the application process
- Check your specific faculty rules and restrictions and use My Course Planner to identify the types of subjects you will need to study overseas
- Complete the credit planning checklist before you submit your application
- Once you have been allocated to a host institution, submit subjects for approval in the overseas study plan.
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Most undergraduate students and some Master by coursework students can add a concurrent diploma.
- Refer to the step-by-step guide to check your eligibility and start your application, including your diploma course plan
- If you need help with your diploma application, contact Course Planning and attach your plan or My Course Planner link.
- If you are a student visa holder, you are not eligible to enrol into a Concurrent Diploma
Need more help?
At Risk appointments are designed to provide you with the support, strategies and resources you need to help you get back to academic good standing.
During your appointment, you and your adviser will go through your Return To Good Standing Plan and discuss what happened to lead you to being at risk. The advisor can also provide advice to help you return to Good Standing, such as reducing or spreading your study load.
You may also discuss how the failed subject may affect your course going forward. This may include:
- Subject availability
- Subject sequencing
- New course completion date (if applicable)
- Requesting a new CoE end date (for Student Visa holders)
To book your appointment, please follow the instructions in the At Risk notification that you have received.
Need more help?
For advice on your current admitted course, book an in-person or virtual appointment using the link below.
- If you can’t find a suitable time, check back daily for appointments released at 9am and 12pm Monday to Friday
- Prior to attending, visit My Course Planner and create a map of your degree, including all your passed and currently enrolled subjects. Save your map in PDF format and include it in your booking notes.
- You can also submit your questions via an enquiry form and a Course Planning Adviser will assist you by email. Please create and attach a course map using My Course Planner.
- For questions regarding applications or offers for future study, contact the Future Students Team.
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Other enquiries
Our dedicated advisers manage a high volume of enquiries. Before you get in touch, please check if you can find a solution to your enquiry using the following resources:
- My Course Planner
- How to videos (Handbook, Study Plan, breadth subjects)
- Faculty course planning resources
- Enrolment Assistance Form.