Swap to available or full classes

Move to available classes, or request to swap into full classes, and what to do if all classes are full.

Follow these steps if you need to make changes to your allocated classes during the review and adjust period.

How to change to an available class

  1. Log into MyTimetable and select a class type from the enrolment list on the left side panel.
  2. Classes with places available will have a ‘select’ or ‘select+’ status.  Click select to allocate yourself to a class.
  3. You will be automatically removed from your previously allocated class, so make sure you are certain you wish to transfer places first.

How to swap to a full class

  1. Log into MyTimetable and select a class type from the enrolment list on the left side panel.
  2. Classes with no places will have a 'full' status and display a heart icon
    Image of 'full' status and heart icon that appears when a class has no places available.
  3. Request a swap to join the waitlist for a full class by clicking on the heart icon next to the class. The heart will turn red to show that you have requested a swap.
  4. If there are other full classes you'd like to swap to, you can request multiple swaps at the same time.
  5. You must remain in your currently allocated class  while your swap request(s) is pending.
  6. If a place becomes available, you’ll receive a notification that your swap request was successful, you'll be removed from your previously allocated class and the requested class will change to an 'allocated’ status.

What if the class remains full?

  • If there aren’t any available places to swap into, you’ll be added to a waitlist for that class.
  • Your swap will remain pending until a place becomes available, you cancel your request, or the waitlist closes.

Swap requests are not guaranteed. Waitlists close at the end of the review and adjust period. If a place does not become available by this time, you will not be able to join the requested class and you will need to attend the class you are allocated to.

How do I cancel my swap request?

To cancel the swap request, click the red heart and it will return to blue.

What to do if all classes are full

If you're unable to allocate to any classes a subject or class type because all options are full:

  1. Log into MyTimetable and check for messages at the top of the page to see if more classes will be added.
  2. If there are no messages in MyTimetable, follow the steps above under 'how to swap to a full class'. You can use the swap function even if you have no classes allocated for your subject.
  3. Keep checking back to see if more classes have been added.
  4. If a place does not become available and there are still no more classes, submit a Timetabling Assistance form under the 'No available classes' category.

How to remove yourself from a class

You can click the bin icon to remove yourself from an allocated class, however if you change your mind, your original place may no longer be available.

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