
Find out when results are out, how to access and understand your grades, and what to do if you’re missing results or want to see your paper.

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Release dates

After finishing your final assignments and exams for the semester, your subject results will be published by the following dates.

Subject results

Friday 11 July 2025
Semester 1, 2025 subject results release date

If this is the final semester of your degree and you have completed your course requirements, your degree will be marked as complete and you will receive your complementary digital academic transcript by this date.

However, you should be able to view most or all of your results by 3pm (AEDT) Friday 11 July as results are published progressively.

Within 10 working days after final assessment is sat or submitted
Special or supplementary assessments results release date

For assessments sat or submitted during the Semester 1 or 2 special/supplementary exam period, results will be released within 10 working days after final assessment is sat or submitted.

Within 20 working days after final assessment is sat or submitted
Non-standard subjects

(e.g. summer semester, monthly intensives)

Grading scheme

H1 80%–100% First Class Honours
H2A 75%–79% Second Class Honours Division A
H2B 70%–74% Second Class Honours Division B
H3 65%–69% Third Class Honours
P 50%–64% Pass
N 0–49% Fail
NH 49% Fail - you hadn't satisfactorily completed all prescribed (hurdle) requirements and would otherwise have passed the subject.
A mark of 49% appears on your transcript.
For more details, see our hurdle requirements FAQ
SPE - Special assessment is awarded as an outcome of Special Consideration.

A supplementary assessment is offered as reassessment or final subject assessment


Withheld – assessment to be finalised. This would be used, for example, when:

  • Other additional assessment is being considered.
  • The result has been withheld pending the outcome of an academic misconduct hearing.
  • Details will be provided via email.
WXT - An extension has been granted
CMP - Pass (no mark awarded). Only used for subjects marked on a pass/fail basis.
FL-Fail (no mark awarded) Only used for subjects marked on a pass/fail basis.
M190-100%Outstanding (Research Masters)
M1A85-89%Excellent (Research Masters)
M1B80-84%Very Good (Research Masters)
M2A75-79%Good (Research Masters)
M2B70-74%Satisfactory (Research Masters)
M365-69%Adequate  (Research Masters)
MF0-49%Fail (Research Masters)

For a full list of grading and results codes, visit the Assessment and Results Policy.
For previous University of Melbourne and amalgamated institution grading schemes, visit previous grading schemes.

Request a review of your results

If you believe your grade is not a reflection of your efforts and have considered the
failing a subject page
, you can request a review of your results.

  • If you have any queries about your mark, you should initially seek feedback by speaking to your subject coordinator about the reasons for your grade in that particular subject.

    These discussions can help you understand your overall result; they are not an opportunity to request that your exam paper be re-marked or that your mark be adjusted.

    If you have performed below expectations in an exam and wish to view your paper, you may do so by requesting a script viewing session. Some Departments, Schools and Faculties have official script viewing sessions for each subject. If your subject does not have an official viewing session, contact the subject coordinator.

    Exam review appointments for Faculty of Business and Economics students are available for undergraduate and graduate subjects.

  • Reassessment is not available in all courses. The dean determines the availability of reassessment and publishes applicable details in subject outlines. Refer to the Assessment and Results policy for more information.

  • If, after you have sought feedback from teaching staff, you wish to request a review your result, please visit the seeking a review of a result.

Frequently asked questions

  • Visit the failing a subject page for information on what happens if you fail a subject and what to do next.

  • Throughout your degree you are given a Weighted Average Mark (WAM). The WAM gives you an indication of your overall academic performance in your degree and can be viewed in my.unimelb. At some other institutions, this may be known as a Grade Point Average (GPA).

    The WAM is updated progressively as results are certified and added to your record, so the best time to view your WAM is when you can see all of your results for the last study period in which you are enrolled. For more information visit Weighted Average Mark (WAM).

  • QuestionAnswer

    How do I improve my academic performance?

    • Visit the Academic Skills website and take advantage of their services including individual tutorials, workshops, and online resources.
    • Get feedback from your subject coordinator about your performance in a subject.
    • Arrange a viewing of your exam paper (see below for more information)

    Can I see my exam paper?

    Exam viewing appointments are a chance for you to have a look at your exam paper.

    You can make a request to your Subject Coordinator (contact details listed in the Handbook) to access your examination scripts from the previous semester at any time before the end of the second week of the following semester.

    Visit the exam reviews FAQ or results review FAQ for more information.

      • Check the results release dates to work out when the subject result should be available
      • Check your University email account to see if you have a message from the subject’s academic teaching department about the missing result.
      • Contact your Subject Coordinator (contact details listed in the Handbook) about your missing result.
  • Need a copy of your results?

    You can download a free Statement of Results any time during your studies via my.unimelb.

    Completing your course?

    Upon completing your course and graduating, you will receive your academic transcript, testamur (graduation certificate) and Australian Higher Education Statement (AHEGS).

    For information on document formats and timelines visit completing course academic transcripts and statements.

Need help with your results?

Submit an online enquiry to Stop 1 and we'll get back to you within 10 business days.

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