Re-enrol in your course

Re-enrolling is the process of confirming which subjects and planned periods of leave you will be taking over the whole of the coming year.

Please note: Dates for the re-enrolment process for 2025 will be confirmed in October 2024. Check back for more information then.

To retain your place in your course, you must re-enrol:

  • Even if you are taking a break from your studies
  • Even if you are completing a study overseas program
  • Before you can enter your class preferences into MyTimetable
  • If you are a student visa holder, to meet the requirements of your visa.

New students

If you are commencing a course in 2025, visit the Get Started at Melbourne website to complete your enrolment. New students are not subject to re-enrolment dates and should follow the Get Started at Melbourne process instead.

Coursework students

If you are a currently admitted coursework student and are continuing next year, we recommend you enrol for the entire year during the re-enrolment period. To avoid late penalties or enrolment cancellation, you must enrol in at least one subject during this period.

If you are on track to finish your course in mid-year, you only need to enrol in subjects for the first half of the year.

Graduate researchers

This re-enrolment process is for coursework students only, and different deadlines and requirements apply to Graduate Researchers. Visit the Graduate Research Hub to learn more.

How to re-enrol

1. Plan your course

2. Enrol in your subjects

  • Use your Study Plan to enrol in all of your subjects.
    • You need to re-enrol for the full year, unless you're finishing your course mid-year. You'll have a chance to adjust your subjects later if you change your mind.
    • Apply for a Leave of Absence if you plan to take a break from your course.
  • Ensure you accept the enrolment declaration to satisfy your re-enrolment requirements.
    How to use the Study Plan Re-enrol now

3. Confirm your re-enrolment

  • Review your Study Plan to check that you have accepted your enrolment declaration and that your subjects are marked as ‘Enrolled’ and not ‘Planned’.

When to re-enrol for 2025

Re-enrol as early as possible during the timely re-enrolment period. You can re-enrol while you are awaiting your results, even if you are unsure whether you have passed a subject.

PeriodDates (2024–2025)

Timely period
Avoid late fees by completing re-enrolment in this period.

To be confirmed

Late period
late re-enrolment fee applies if you re-enrol during this period.

To be confirmed

Cancellation period
If you don’t re-enrol by this date your enrolment will be cancelled. You will be charged a fee if you apply for reinstatement.

To be confirmed

Reasons to re-enrol early:

  • You'll be ready soon to organise your timetable
  • If a quota applies to your subject, the earlier you register interest by provisionally enrolling, the more likely you are to secure a place
  • It saves you from paying the late re-enrolment fee if you re-enrol in the late period, or reinstatement fee if you are cancelled from your course due to failure to re-enrol
  • It is a good time to seek course advice if required
  • There may be Summer Term and other subjects offered early in the year that you'd like to undertake.

Don't miss important enrolment notifications

The University will send important updates about your enrolment via email and possibly SMS. Remember to check your student email account at least twice a week even during University breaks or leave periods. Find out how to forward your student email.

Enrolment requirements

At minimum,  you must have re-enrolled in at least one subject or applied for a Leave of Absence for all or part of the year by the end of the late re-enrolment period to avoid having your enrolment cancelled due to failure to re-enrol. However, this would still leave you at risk of cancellation at a later date.

To meet your enrolment requirements, you must re-enrol in subjects and/or apply for leave for both half-year periods unless you are completing your course mid-year. If you are a student visa holder, you must also meet the requirements of your student visa.

Reasons to think about your study plans for the full year:

  • Subjects taught in the second half-year period may have Summer Term and/or Semester 1 prerequisites
  • Some subject teaching periods start in January and February and may only be offered once per year
  • If a quota applies to your subject, the earlier you register interest by provisionally enrolling, the more likely you are to secure a place.
  • What happens if my enrolment is incomplete after the re-enrolment period?

    If you leave your enrolment incomplete, you may need to apply for reinstatement depending on the time period.

    Enrolment statusConsequence Action required
    No enrolment/leave for either half year period. Course enrolment will be cancelled at the end of the late re-enrolment period Apply for reinstatement
    Enrolment/leave for second half year period and not first half year. Course enrolment will be cancelled after the Semester 1 census date (Sunday 31 March) and will be withdrawn from any second half year subjects.

    Enrol in subjects or apply for leave for the first half year period before the start of the standard Semester 1 period.

    If you miss this deadline, you will need to apply for reinstatement.

    Enrolment/leave for first half year period and not second half year.

    Note: if you’re currently on track to finish mid-year, you don’t need to enrol for the second half year.
    Course enrolment will be cancelled after Semester 2 census date (Saturday 31 August).

    Enrol in subjects or apply for leave for the second half year period before the start of the standard Semester 2 period.

    If you miss this deadline, you will need to apply for reinstatement.

  • What if I have been cancelled from my course?

    If you have been cancelled from your course due to failure to re-enrol, you can apply to be reinstated and, if successful, you will be charged a reinstatement fee. Refer to your email notification of cancellation and follow the instructions to apply for reinstatement.

  • Can I change my subjects after re-enrolling?

    You can make changes to your enrolment after re-enrolling, however you should only change subjects after carefully considering your options. Be aware of your course and enrolment requirements and the key dates for each subject, including the teaching period, last self-enrol date, census date and last date to withdraw without fail, and understand the potential impact to your study plan, fees and academic record of making changes to your enrolment.

    Read more about enrolment key dates

Requirements for student visa holders

International students studying or intending to study in Australia must meet their enrolment requirements AND the requirements that accompany their student visa.

  • Maintain a full-time study load

    Ensure you meet full-time study load requirements and complete your course by the end date on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

    Exceptions to standard study load of 50 points requirements are:

    If you have not maintained a standard study load for reasons other than these, a sanction will be placed on your record and you will need to catch-up or make new visa arrangements to complete.

  • Meet online study limitations

    The allowance for international students to study online has been removed and only in limited circumstances should a student visa holder be studying online from offshore. These circumstances include:

    • You only have one final subject to complete
    • Your course allows you to complete all remaining subjects from offshore and you have informed us that you will be an ‘Offshore International student’.

    For all other students: You must be onshore and not completing more than one-third of the units remaining in your course online or by distance learning (Standard 8.19 of the National Code), and must ensure that at least one unit is enrolled as on-campus in each study period (Standard 8.20 of the National Code), with the exception of the last unit of their course.

  • Update your contact details

    A requirement of your student visa is that you promptly notify the University of any changes to your contact details. The University expects that you update your contact details within 48 hours of any changes. When you’re entering your contact information, such as your overseas permanent address, you must only use English characters. Check that your details are up to date in my.unimelb.

Consider taking subjects over summer

Studying over summer break can be a great way to complete your degree in a shorter timeframe, or to catch up if you failed subjects or reduced your study load during the year.

Summer term, January and February intensive subjects are taught across January and February.
How to search for summer subjects

Students studying during Summer semester

FAQs and further assistance

Support is available if you need further course planning advice or information to manage your enrolment online. Find out how to get course planning and enrolment assistance.

  • What are the subject delivery modes?

    The delivery mode refers to how the subject will be taught – Dual-Delivery, Online and On Campus (in person). Visit the subject information page for information on subject delivery modes.

  • Do I have to re-enrol for the entire year? 

    You are required to enrol in subjects and/or apply for leave for both half year periods unless you are completing your course mid-year. If you are on track to finish your course in mid-year, you only need to enrol in subjects for the first half of the year.

    Carefully read the Enrolment requirements and making changes information to understand how to meet your re-enrolment requirements and what will happen if your enrolment is incomplete or you make changes after the re-enrolment period.

  • I've re-enrolled, when will I find out about my fees?

    If you have just re-enrolled for 2024, we anticipate your fees should appear within your Statement of Liability and Student Invoice from mid-December (once the timely re-enrolment period has closed).

  • I am currently on leave ending in December. Do I need to re-enrol?

    Yes. If you have subjects still to complete in your course, you need to re-enrol. Your current period of leave will not block you from re-enrolling.

  • I have approved leave for the first half of next year. Do I need to re-enrol?

    Yes. If you have approved Leave of Absence for the first half year period, you will still need to re-enrol in subjects for the second half year period.

  • Should I re-enrol if I am undecided or waiting to see a course adviser?

    Yes, you should re-enrol during the timely period in subjects that you are considering taking. You can change your enrolment after receiving course advice if required.

    Be aware of your course and enrolment requirements and the key dates for each subject, including the teaching period, last self-enrol date, census date and last date to withdraw without fail, and understand the potential impact to your study plan, fees and academic record of making changes to your enrolment.

    In addition to the Handbook, you can also use the online course planning resources to help plan your studies.

    By re-enrolling during the timely re-enrolment period, you will avoid the late re-enrolment fee. Waiting for course advice is not grounds for this fee to be waived.

  • I am an international student but I don’t have a current Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Can I still re-enrol?

    Yes. Your CoE can be organised and provided separately and will be based on the enrolment you select during the re-enrolment period.

  • Do I need to re-enrol if I am awaiting an outcome for my course transfer/early exit application?

    Yes, re-enrol as though your application will not be approved. You can amend your enrolment if your application is approved. You will need to withdraw from the course/s you don’t intend to undertake. Do this promptly and, to avoid tuition fees, before the census dates for any subjects you have enrolled in as part of a course you no longer wish to undertake.

  • Can I re-enrol if I’ve been contacted about academic progress or misconduct?

    Yes. If you have been contacted about being at risk of unsatisfactory academic progress and asked to submit a Return to Good Standing Plan, you still need to re-enrol. Do this during the timely re-enrolment period to avoid the late re-enrolment fee. You can change your enrolment later if required.

    Be aware of your course and enrolment requirements and the key dates for each subject, including the teaching period, last self-enrol date, census date and last date to withdraw without fail, and understand the potential impact to your study plan, fees and academic record of making changes to your enrolment.

    If you have been contacted about Course Academic Progress Committee (CAPC) or a misconduct hearing, a sanction will be placed on your account that will prevent you from enrolling in subjects via your study plan until the outcome of your CAPC or misconduct hearing is known. If you need to re-enrol after being notified of the outcome, the sanction will be lifted and you will be able to re-enrol. No late re-enrolment fee will apply. Refer to your CAPC or misconduct email notification for further information.

  • What if I have a 40–49 fail grade and have been or may be deemed eligible for final subject assessment?

    Students who were due to complete won’t have been invited to re-enrol, so the re-enrolment deadlines don’t apply.

    However, if you fail your final subject you should re-enrol as you may not be offered FSA and are not guaranteed to pass the subject. Your enrolment can be amended if you pass the FSA.

    Learn more about final subject assessment.​

  • How do I re-enrol if I have an overdue fee sanction?

    Overdue fee sanctions prevent you from re-enrolling. You must pay your overdue fees to resolve the sanction and be able to re-enrol​.

    Your sanction will be ended as soon as payment has been received. Please allow up to two business days for your payment to be received by the University and ensure you allow sufficient time to meet the re-enrolment deadline.

  • I can’t re-enrol. What should I do?

    If after trying you’re unable to update your study plan, submit an Enrolment Assistance Form and we will assist you with your enrolment.

    Submit your Enrolment Assistance Form as soon as possible and during the timely re-enrolment period to avoid the late re-enrolment fee.