Global Learning

Common questions

Going on a semester/year-long exchange (outbound)

  • When will I be nominated to my host institution? I have not yet heard from Global Learning.
    1. You must wait to be nominated by Global Learning team before commencing your application to the host. Nominations are made on a rolling basis based on the host institution’s timelines.
    2. While you are waiting to be nominated, please:
      • Check your student emails regularly (including junk and spam folders).
      • Familiarise yourself with Step 6 – Get ready.
      • Do not book flights or accommodation or any other non-refundable financial commitments.
      • Any visa questions should be directed to the relevant Visa Service / Consulate Office.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • How can I track the status of my exchange application?

    For exchange application dates, refer to the Application dates and timelines.

    Once you have applied, refer to the exchange application processing timeline.

  • I want to go on exchange. Where do I start?
    1. Complete the My World First Steps Online Module.
    2. Make sure you have space to fit an exchange into your degree, and confirm when (which semester) you can go. The best way to do this is using My Course Planner and then book a Course Planning appointment.
      • If you are a graduate student, you should also speak to your Course Coordinator.
    3. Read the Step-by-step guide to ensure you meet the eligibility guidelines and understand your degree requirements.
    4. Browse our Partner Database to view available host institutions for your overseas study.
    5. Attend a Study overseas information session to find out region-specific information and ask questions about exchange.

    Need more help?

    Book a Global Learning appointment (recommended) Submit a Global Learning enquiry

  • How can I plan my subjects for my exchange?

    It’s essential to thoroughly research appropriate subjects during the planning stage of your application. The subject offerings at your allocated institution must fit into your degree for you to go on exchange.

    1. Firstly, you need to make sure you have space to fit an exchange into your degree and confirm when (which semester) you can go. The best way to do this is using My Course Planner and then book a Course Planning appointment.
    2. Check your faculty rules and restrictions restrictions and use My Course Planner to identify the types of subjects you will need to study overseas.
    3. Refer to the step-by-step guide for more information about how to plan your plan your overseas study.
    4. Review our list of subjects at overseas institutions which have previously been approved for credit transfer back to the University of Melbourne. This can give you some ideas for subjects you may be able to study while overseas.
      • Please note: this list is a guide only. Refer to the Host handbook or course catalogue for each host institution via the brochure pages 'Host Eligibility & Information' tab to thoroughly research available subject options.
    5. Complete the credit planning checklist as part of your application.
    6. Once you have been allocated to a host institution, you will submit subjects for assessment to complete your Overseas study plan.

    Need more help?

    Book a Course Planning appointment
    (Advice about understanding degree requirements and what you can study on exchange)

    Book a Global Learning appointment
    (Help with finding suitable subjects at the host institution)

  • Where can I find information about overseas study scholarships, funding options and fees?
    1. If you’re considering how to fund your study overseas, refer to the information about Overseas study scholarships and funding options including OS HELP loans. You can also review the Scholarships Directory.
    2. Find information to help you plan your budget for your exchange.
    3. If you are awaiting your first scholarship payment, please check the payment dates, ensure you are enrolled into your placeholder subjects and have updated your bank details.
    4. If Centrelink has requested a document to verify your overseas study, you can provide them with your University of Melbourne Acceptance Letter.
    5. Read information to understand how subject tuition fees work while on exchange.

    Need more help?

    Submit enquiry to Scholarships and Fees
    (For general enquiries)

    Submit a Global Learning enquiry
    (For questions regarding New Colombo Plan grants/scholarships or Westpac Asian Exchange scholarships)

  • What are placeholder subjects for my exchange?
    1. Exchange placeholder subjects with the prefix EXCH or STDY will be listed on your Study Plan for the relevant semester(s). These will reflect the subjects you are studying overseas, and you will be charged fees accordingly.
    2. Once we have processed your host university acceptance letter, you will receive a request to complete a ‘Placeholder Enrolment Questionnaire’. This is to confirm your placeholder enrolment during the overseas study period.
    3. Placeholders have census dates. If you need to make any changes to your placeholder subjects, you must submit an enquiry to Global study - outbound enrolments as soon as possible and prior to the subject’s census date.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global study – outbound enrolments (recommended)

  • Can you help me with my Overseas Study Planner?
    1. Refer to our guide to the Overseas Study Planner (OSSP)
    2. Standard processing time for subject assessment is 10 working days. If your subject has not been assessed in this timeframe, please contact the relevant Discipline Adviser for any core/elective/breadth subject assessments.
      • If you want to request a review of a subject outcome, submit the subject again and include additional subject information to support your request, adding a comment that you would like the subject to be reviewed again. 
      • If you need to make changes to a subject that has been recommended for credit, you must withdraw from the subject and resubmit with necessary changes. Once a subject has been recommended for credit, it is no longer possible to make changes.
    3. The OSSP is configured to allow you to enter double the maximum credit load per semester. If you have already reached this threshold and need to add subjects, you will need to withdraw subjects to make room. Please do not withdraw the entire plan.
    4. You can add further subjects to the OSSP after the deadline, including once you have arrived at the host institution. Please request changes as soon as possible to ensure the subjects can be assessed in time.
    5. Once the required number of subjects have been recommended for credit, your plan will be reviewed by the Enrolments team for suitability towards your degree. This status during this time will be ‘Under Stop 1 Review’.
    6. Please note your OSSP must be in ‘Approved’ status to ‘Commit’ to subjects and ‘Finalise’ your plan. Only commit to your subjects once you have arrived and enrolled into the subjects at the host.
    7. To amend the credit points of your OSSP, please submit an enquiry to Global Learning.
    8. Individual subject credit amount at your host institution will not always align 1:1 with University of Melbourne subject credit load.  To understand the credit equivalency for your host institution, please refer to the ‘Credit Load & Academic Requirements’ tab on the relevant brochure page.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • I need a document for my host institution application (e.g. Language Certificate, Learning Agreement, Academic Reference/Recommendation Letter).
    1. If you need an Academic Reference Letter / Letter of Recommendation, contact your Faculty. This document should be produced by a faculty academic who can comment on your academic capabilities and verify your suitability for exchange.
    2. To have your Learning Agreement signed by your Education Abroad Adviser, submit an enquiry to Global Learning. Check the signature on your nomination email to confirm who your Education Abroad Adviser is. You must use the host institutions' Learning Agreement template.
    3. If you need a document which confirms your English language proficiency, please double check with the host that this is required. In most cases this requirement is waived by our partners as the University of Melbourne teaches in English. If you do require this document, submit an enquiry.
    4. To request a document which confirms your proficiency in a language other than English, contact the relevant Faculty who can conduct a language proficiency assessment and provide a letter.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • I have received my host acceptance/admission letter, what are the next steps?
    1. Submit an enquiry to Global Learning to provide your official host acceptance/admission letter.
    2. Refer to Step 6 – Get ready for next steps.
    3. The University of Melbourne Acceptance email and letter will contain key information such as next steps and your travel insurance documentation.
      • For further information about insurance, please refer to this Travel insurance page and this Insurance page.
      • Please note that health/medical insurance is not the same as travel insurance and you may be required to purchase additional insurance to meet your host institution's admission requirements.
    4. Once you have received your University of Melbourne Acceptance you can commence booking flights and accommodation.
    5. You will need your University of Melbourne acceptance letter to complete your student visa application. Any visa queries should be directed to the host university or the relevant Consulate office.
      • The Global Learning team recommends that you do not travel prior to starting your exchange as you must be available to attend appointments to prepare necessary documentation, including applying for your visa.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • I want to reduce / extend / withdraw my exchange.
  • I am returning from my exchange, what steps do I need to take?
    1. Submit an enquiry to the Global Learning Team to provide your transcript.
    2. Refer to Step 9 of step-by-step guide for more information about final steps of your exchange
    3. If you have a specific question relating to the credit you have been awarded for overseas study, please contact the Enrolments team via Global study – Outbound enrolment.
    4. If you have questions regarding the remaining requirements of your degree on return from overseas study, please contact the Course Planning team.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

Going on a summer/winter program (short term programs)

  • I’m interested in a short-term program and how will I know if I can get credit for it?
    1. Submitting an application through our program brochure pages on our summer or winter database is the only way to confirm what credit you can receive from a short-term program.
      • Firstly, you need to make sure you have space to fit a short-term program into your degree. The best way to do this is using My Course Planner and then book a Course Planning appointment.
        • If you are a graduate student, you should also speak to your Course Coordinator.
    2. Read through the Step-by-step guide to ensure you meet the eligibility guidelines and understand your degree requirements.
    3. Browse the program brochure pages on our summer or winter database to view available programs for your summer or winter overseas study.
      • Each brochure page will give you an overview of the program, subject offering, credit information, and how to apply.
    4. As part of your application, you are required to submit an Overseas Study Planner (OSSP) indicating which subject(s) you wish to complete overseas and receive credit for. The OSSP only needs to be submitted by the deadline, it will be assessed as part of your application. This will be assessed by your Faculty and then by Stop 1.

    Need more help?

    Book a Global Learning appointment (recommended) Submit a Global Learning enquiry

  • When will applications open for short-term programs?
    1. Short-term program applications open on a rolling basis depending on when the partner university releases information on their programs. Most programs will be open by mid-March for winter term and by mid-August for summer term. Check the dates on the summer term and winter term programs brochure pages.
    2. We recommend you check the list of available summer term and winter term regularly to see which programs are available and accepting application and check the deadlines to apply as they close on a rolling basis.
    3. Programs that have already started taking applications for the upcoming intake will have an asterisk (*) in the title.
    4. Some programs open early as they have early deadlines. Check the program brochure page “how to apply” section to see what the deadlines were last year to give you an idea of what to expect for the upcoming intake.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • What is the difference between exchange and fee-paying?

    There are two ways of paying for short-term programs and this may be a factor in making your decision on which program to apply for.

    • Exchange: You will continue to pay your tuition fees to the University of Melbourne and not pay any tuition fees to the host institution.  For students deferring to HECS you will continue to defer your fees to HECS.
      • Flights, accommodation, and extra activity costs will not be covered by your tuition fees and still need to be paid.
    • Fee-paying: You will pay tuition and program fees directly to your host institution and no tuition fees to the University of Melbourne. Accommodation and extra activities may be an additional expense, you will need to check what is covered by the program fees.
      • Flights will not be covered by program fees.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • I’ve submitted a short-term program application. When will I receive my outcome?
    1. We assess applications weekly; you will hear from Global Learning within two weeks of submitting your application. You will receive one of the following outcomes:
      • Approved (you are ready to apply to the host institution)
      • Conditionally Approved (exchange students only)
      • Awaiting Overseas Study Plan Assessment (you have submitted an application, but your Overseas Student Plan is not yet Approved. Refer to question My overseas study planner is still under review – what do I do?)
      • Ineligible (you have not met the eligibility criteria for overseas study and/or the program you have applied for)
    2. Your application must be submitted through our program brochure page on our summer or winter database to be assessed by Global Learning. If you have only submitted an Overseas Study Planner, you will not be assessed by Global Learning.
    3. If you have applied for an exchange program, you will receive a conditional approval if you meet all the eligibility criteria and must wait until the UoM application deadline has lapsed to confirm whether you have received an exchange position or not. You will have three business days to confirm you accept an exchange place.
    4. If you are conditionally approved for an exchange place and ultimately do not receive a place on the exchange program, you will be offered alternative options, if available.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • My overseas study planner is still under review – what do I do?
    1. Refer to our guide to the Overseas Study Planner (OSSP) for information about how to submit your plan and log back in here.
    2. Ensure your OSSP is submitted listing the subject you wish to have assessed. Read any comments left by the overseas study discipline adviser to see if further information is required.
    3. If you are still waiting for an assessment of your subject(s) on your OSSP and it has been more than a week, follow up directly with the discipline adviser.
    4. If your subjects show 'recommended for credit' in your OSSP, please wait for an overall application outcome. We assess applications weekly.
    5. Changes to OSSP can be made at any time during your application, but if your OSSP was previously approved you will need to contact Global Learning to request a re-assessment.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • I’ve seen another program I’m interested in – is it possible to change my application or submit a second application?
    1. You may only apply for one short-term program at a time, so we recommend you plan and research carefully to determine the best program before you apply.
    2. Browse through our program brochure pages on our summer or winter database and read through the Step-by-step guide to help you choose which program you want to apply for.
    3. If you find another program you would like to apply for or you want to make a change to your application, you will need to contact Global Learning and we can change your application.
    4. If you wish to make changes to your Overseas Study Planner (OSSP), you can log in and make changes yourself. See this detailed guide to the OSSP.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

Coming to Melbourne (inbound)

  • How and where do I get documents signed such as my Home Institution Learning Agreement or Enrolment Confirmation, or verification forms for scholarships or awards?
    1. Book an in-person appointment at Stop 1 Parkville under the 'Documents, Keys and Thesis Celebrations' category. Stop 1 staff are authorised to stamp and sign a select number of documents for Inbound Study Abroad and Exchange students, including:
      • Learning Agreements/Confirmation of Enrolment: Confirming that you are successfully enrolled at the University of Melbourne in the subjects approved at home.
      • Confirmation of Arrival: Documents that confirm you have arrived and are enrolled at the University.
      • Confirmation of Departure: Documents that confirm you have completed your studies with us and will be departing the country.
    2. Arrive for your booked appointment with your printed and pre-populated form and In Person Support Staff will sign and stamp it for you (please ensure the document is in English).

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • When will I know my exam timetable and how soon can I depart Melbourne thereafter?
    1. Refer to the Exam dates page for timetable publication dates and Exam timetable page for how to view your exam timetable.
    2. You should not make plans to depart Melbourne until after the exam period ends, as it is possible you could have exams scheduled at any point during that timeframe until the last day of the published exam period.
    3. If you have on-campus exams, you must be in Melbourne for the entire exams period, including the supplementary exam period. You must sit your exams in the format they are offered. The University will not reschedule exams for circumstances considered within your control, such as employment commitments, misreading your timetable, travel, and social engagements such as weddings or birthdays.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

  • How do I get my University of Melbourne transcript upon completion of my studies here?
    1. You will receive an email once your free digital transcript is ready to view, approximately one to two weeks after results are released.

      Students are not advised to order a transcript via eStudent as Academic Records have a backlog of requests during peak. Your official academic transcript will be made available in digital format to download and share using a secure service provided by My eQuals.
      • You can securely share your digital transcript with your home school (do not download and email it yourself).
      • The University of Melbourne does not issue or send hard-copy transcripts for Study Abroad or Exchange students to their home Universities or providers.
      • Change the primary email address MyeQuals from your University of Melbourne email address to your personal email address, so that you can continue to access your digital transcript.
    2. If you need a transcript for your completed subjects, but still have subjects remaining, you can order a transcript via eStudent.
    3. An unofficial statement of enrolment of your records is available at any time via my.unimelb free of charge.

    Need more help?

    Submit an enquiry to Global Learning (recommended)

What to do in an emergency

Follow this advice if you are currently on exchange/study abroad and are in an emergency situation.

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Other enquiries

Our dedicated advisers manage a high volume of enquiries. Before you get in touch, please check if you can find a solution to your enquiry using the following resources:

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Submit an enquiry to Global Learning Book a Global Learning appointment

Use our live chat service

Chat one-on-one with a Global Learning team member. Chat hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am–5pm. Due to high demand, we may occasionally need to close the chat service early.

When available, use the chat box in the bottom-right corner of your screen. Live chat is best suited for quick answers to simple questions. If you have a complex question or issue, it’s best to submit an enquiry.